Extremely annoyed that she was too dunce to actually get that some people just don't want to hear your issues, especially when they don't know her, I drove home thinking. What will it take to get this woman to stop? Seriously. My ex-husband definitely had nothing to do with her craziness so why keep bothering him if he has asked you to stop? As I drove, I began to think about how unfair it was for people in my situation, who were not protected by the laws in any way. Here she is causing havoc in my life, for the sheer reason that she just can and there is not a damn thing that I can do about it but turn the other cheek. How messed up is this whole situation I asked myself?
I called my grandmother, whom I always seek advice from and she didn't answer so I called my mom. My mom knows all about crazy and when it comes to legal things and divorce she always has a story to tell. So, I called her and explained what I had just been told. The only thing she said I could possibly do was formally notify "Cybil" that what she was doing was now being considered harassment and that if it continued I would being filing a report/pressing charges. So, that was the plan...Below, is the original e-mail I sent (changed names, of course).
Dear "Cybil",
My, ex-husband, "John Doe", has brought it to my attention that he is still receiving unwanted contact from you through e-mail. I am now considering your actions to be that of a harassing nature and if it continues I will be contacting authorities and seeking to press charges. You have been asked several times for these messages to stop, as neither my ex-husband nor I are personally involved in your legal and financial matters. Thank you.
My, ex-husband, "John Doe", has brought it to my attention that he is still receiving unwanted contact from you through e-mail. I am now considering your actions to be that of a harassing nature and if it continues I will be contacting authorities and seeking to press charges. You have been asked several times for these messages to stop, as neither my ex-husband nor I are personally involved in your legal and financial matters. Thank you.
Harmless enough, right? HA! Never for the evil one. I went on with my day as I knew she was at work and wouldn't respond until she got home. Her reply was nothing short of sweet. She wrote back that if he asked her to stop, she would stop. And that just because I didn't want her speaking to my ex-husband did not mean she was harassing him. Ending it with good luck on filing charges on behalf of your ex. Hahaha!
Grrr...So, I wrote back:
He said he has, and asked me AGAIN to speak to you. And we do have grounds for filing charges. Just because you are unhappy does not give you the right to harass people who don't know you and are not involved in your situation. Maybe you should start looking into public defenders if that is the route you wish to take but I don't roll over for bullying. I never have and I won't start doing it now. Have a nice day!
Can you sense my frustrations by this point? I am starting to become all but pissed, and still remain composed, because if I just completely lose it and snap on "Cybil" you better know she will be filing abuse charges on me. Now, I obviously already knew that my ex would have to be the one to initiate any charges against the psycho as she wasn't really bothering me but bothering him but I'm the resourceful one. So if need be, I would do the foot work and just get his testimony. Whatever it takes. All I could see was red!
"Cybil" of course, in her evil and taunting nature, writes back. "Okay. Go ahead then." Ooooh! GAME ON!!! (In my Stiffler voice from American Pie) At this point I choose not to write her back because obviously all of that is pointless and start off with an attorney. My husband's divorce attorney to be exact. I call her, even though I know in NY their office should be closed. I dial her extension and by the grace of GOD she actually picks up. So, I tell her who I am and ask if my husband had told her about what had been going on with his ex calling my ex. She says he had briefly mentioned it and so I tell her what has happened since. How it is getting out of control, how she is taking it to an extreme and is telling me that she doesn't have to stop contacting him if she doesn't want to. She expresses her sympathy about having to deal with "Cybil" and how she can imagine how frustrating it must be. She then tells me that although she can't do anything personally, if I would like I could file charges on her for harassment, but the best she could do would be taking it before the judge at their next court hearing and notifying his ex's attorney about her horrible behavior.
This answer works enough for me, at least someone might have the gall to say something to her because everyone is terrified of her response and refuses to step in. It's one thing to be nasty to your ex because of a horrible divorce, but to be focusing all your attention on a person that has nothing to do with your divorce is just, well, psycho. I am hoping this gets through to her but I figure it most likely won't. What else can I do?
The question remains, how would she feel if the tables were turned? And then it comes to me, why don't I contact someone on her end? So, I do. I ask my husband for her mother's e-mail and write to her, respectfully of course, as follows:
Dear Psycho's Mom,
I am not sure if you remember me or not, I’m ME. I am coming to you as a last resort effort because I cannot seem to reason with "Cybil" at all and I was hoping that if anyone could talk to her it would be you. "Your ex son-in-law" speaks highly of you and you seem like a very kind and reasonable person so I am hoping that maybe you can talk to her and get her to be reasonable.
I have been in a previous marriage with the father of my children and somehow my ex-husband and "Cybil" came across each other on Facebook. Recently, as things have escalated between "my husband and Cybil" my ex has contacted me several times about "Cybil" sending him messages inquiring about "my husband's" whereabouts and telling him personal information about "my husband" that he didn’t feel was right. My ex-husband and I have a strained relationship due to our own nasty divorce but he felt that her accusations were a little extreme to begin with and thought "my husband" should be aware of what she was saying.
I personally could and should have reacted to this news in a more mature way but being angry that she was contacting him in the first place and then accusing "my husband" and myself of doing some rather horrible things I e-mailed her to confront her about it. Needless to say the e-mails did not go very well and the tension between her and I has escalated. I have asked her several times to refrain from contacting my ex and that if she needs to discuss things with "my husband" that she knows his contact information to do so. "My husband" has also asked her and that didn’t go over well either.
Earlier today when I picked up my sons from my ex he told me again that she was still contacting him and was now asking him for money and saying she was going to lose her home. He asked that I tell her to stop and I told him that I had already tried but I would see what I could do. I contacted someone with some knowledge on the situation and was told to formally write to "Cybil" and tell her that what she was doing was now being considered harassment and that if it did not stop my ex and I would be filing a report and possibly pressing charges.
That obviously did not go well either and she told me she could talk to him if she wanted and I couldn’t do anything about it. I have gone ahead and contacted "my husband's" attorney about the prior incidents and she is documenting it for the judge and contacting "Cybil's" attorney to ask her to stop. I have no personal involvement in their divorce, custody or financial agreements and would just like to live my life without the stress of having to deal with my name being slandered and my ex-husband constantly feeling the need to get me to tell her to stop.
I am in an unfair position here that has nothing to do with me at all. I know that "Cybil and my husband" are having issues with things going on between them and I feel that she needs to discuss these things with him or talk to her attorney about her concerns. I have three children of my own I need to worry about and support and I share that responsibility with my ex-husband. Since she feels that I am a threat to her and "their daughter" I have chosen to keep myself out of their battle as it is no business of mine. I do feel that my family is under attack and that her anger should be redirected to the person that this involves. I need to protect myself and my children and if that means that I have to file charges just to get a sense of relief from all of this then I will do so but I do not want it to come to that.
I am not trying in any way to tell her who she can and cannot talk to but when someone is asking you to stop contacting them and then involving me in it because it is so out of hand I feel that such a request should be respected. I am just hoping you can help make her understand my position and ask herself how she would feel if someone she was dating had an ex that was contacting "my husband" and making him feel like "their daughter" is in danger. My ex-husband is starting to feel like "my husband" is a danger to our children because she has portrayed him as being reckless, irresponsible and selfish. "My husband" is going through a difficult time right now, as I am sure she is as well and none of this is making things better.
Once again, I am sorry to personally intrude on you but I can’t think of any other way to get through to her before this spirals out of control.
I found my letter to be nicely written and very respectful, though I had no idea what her response would be or what she would do.
So, now I wait for either fireworks to start exploding or for "Cybil" to get a clue. I'm betting on a whole lot of nothing. People are a product of their environment and I'm assuming that either her parents enable her or they have her same crazy mentality.
Stay tuned for the drama.
Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife