Monday, November 28, 2011

AND She Decides to Continue...Stalk Much?

Early this morning I met my ex-husband at the park to pick up our two youngest children from him and as usual the comments were to a minimum as we generally don't have much to say to each other unless it is about our children. As I was getting youngest buckled into his car seat, my ex called out my name from his car. I walked over and he began to tell me once again that my husband's ex (who I am now going to call Cybil, because she's insane) was still contacting him about all the drama and asking for money. WHAT?

Extremely annoyed that she was too dunce to actually get that some people just don't want to hear your issues, especially when they don't know her, I drove home thinking. What will it take to get this woman to stop? Seriously. My ex-husband definitely had nothing to do with her craziness so why keep bothering him if he has asked you to stop? As I drove, I began to think about how unfair it was for people in my situation, who were not protected by the laws in any way. Here she is causing havoc in my life, for the sheer reason that she just can and there is not a damn thing that I can do about it but turn the other cheek. How messed up is this whole situation I asked myself?

I called my grandmother, whom I always seek advice from and she didn't answer so I called my mom. My mom knows all about crazy and when it comes to legal things and divorce she always has a story to tell. So, I called her and explained what I had just been told. The only thing she said I could possibly do was formally notify "Cybil" that what she was doing was now being considered harassment and that if it continued I would being filing a report/pressing charges. So, that was the plan...Below, is the original e-mail I sent (changed names, of course).

Dear "Cybil",

My, ex-husband, "John Doe", has brought it to my attention that he is still receiving unwanted contact from you through e-mail. I am now considering your actions to be that of a harassing nature and if it continues I will be contacting authorities and seeking to press charges. You have been asked several times for these messages to stop, as neither my ex-husband nor I are personally involved in your legal and financial matters. Thank you.


Harmless enough, right? HA! Never for the evil one. I went on with my day as I knew she was at work and wouldn't respond until she got home. Her reply was nothing short of sweet. She wrote back that if he asked her to stop, she would stop. And that just because I didn't want her speaking to my ex-husband did not mean she was harassing him. Ending it with good luck on filing charges on behalf of your ex. Hahaha!
Grrr...So, I wrote back:

He said he has, and asked me AGAIN to speak to you. And we do have grounds for filing charges. Just because you are unhappy does not give you the right to harass people who don't know you and are not involved in your situation. Maybe you should start looking into public defenders if that is the route you wish to take but I don't roll over for bullying. I never have and I won't start doing it now. Have a nice day!

Can you sense my frustrations by this point? I am starting to become all but pissed, and still remain composed, because if I just completely lose it and snap on "Cybil" you better know she will be filing abuse charges on me. Now, I obviously already knew that my ex would have to be the one to initiate any charges against the psycho as she wasn't really bothering me but bothering him but I'm the resourceful one. So if need be, I would do the foot work and just get his testimony. Whatever it takes. All I could see was red! 

"Cybil" of course, in her evil and taunting nature, writes back. "Okay. Go ahead then." Ooooh! GAME ON!!! (In my Stiffler voice from American Pie) At this point I choose not to write her back because obviously all of that is pointless and start off with an attorney. My husband's divorce attorney to be exact. I call her, even though I know in NY their office should be closed. I dial her extension and by the grace of GOD she actually picks up. So, I tell her who I am and ask if my husband had told her about what had been going on with his ex calling my ex. She says he had briefly mentioned it and so I tell her what has happened since. How it is getting out of control, how she is taking it to an extreme and is telling me that she doesn't have to stop contacting him if she doesn't want to. She expresses her sympathy about having to deal with "Cybil" and how she can imagine how frustrating it must be. She then tells me that although she can't do anything personally, if I would like I could file charges on her for harassment, but the best she could do would be taking it before the judge at their next court hearing and notifying his ex's attorney about her horrible behavior. 

This answer works enough for me, at least someone might have the gall to say something to her because everyone is terrified of her response and refuses to step in. It's one thing to be nasty to your ex because of a horrible divorce, but to be focusing all your attention on a person that has nothing to do with your divorce is just, well, psycho. I am hoping this gets through to her but I figure it most likely won't. What else can I do?

The question remains, how would she feel if the tables were turned? And then it comes to me, why don't I contact someone on her end? So, I do. I ask my husband for her mother's e-mail and write to her, respectfully of course, as follows:

Dear Psycho's Mom,
I am not sure if you remember me or not, I’m ME. I am coming to you as a last resort effort because I cannot seem to reason with "Cybil" at all and I was hoping that if anyone could talk to her it would be you. "Your ex son-in-law" speaks highly of you and you seem like a very kind and reasonable person so I am hoping that maybe you can talk to her and get her to be reasonable.

I have been in a previous marriage with the father of my children and somehow my ex-husband and "Cybil" came across each other on Facebook. Recently, as things have escalated between "my husband and Cybil" my ex has contacted me several times about "Cybil" sending him messages inquiring about "my husband's" whereabouts and telling him personal information about "my husband" that he didn’t feel was right. My ex-husband and I have a strained relationship due to our own nasty divorce but he felt that her accusations were a little extreme to begin with and thought "my husband" should be aware of what she was saying.

I personally could and should have reacted to this news in a more mature way but being angry that she was contacting him in the first place and then accusing "my husband" and myself of doing some rather horrible things I e-mailed her to confront her about it. Needless to say the e-mails did not go very well and the tension between her and I has escalated. I have asked her several times to refrain from contacting my ex and that if she needs to discuss things with "my husband" that she knows his contact information to do so. "My husband" has also asked her and that didn’t go over well either.

Earlier today when I picked up my sons from my ex he told me again that she was still contacting him and was now asking him for money and saying she was going to lose her home. He asked that I tell her to stop and I told him that I had already tried but I would see what I could do. I contacted someone with some knowledge on the situation and was told to formally write to "Cybil" and tell her that what she was doing was now being considered harassment and that if it did not stop my ex and I would be filing a report and possibly pressing charges.

That obviously did not go well either and she told me she could talk to him if she wanted and I couldn’t do anything about it. I have gone ahead and contacted "my husband's" attorney about the prior incidents and she is documenting it for the judge and contacting "Cybil's" attorney to ask her to stop. I have no personal involvement in their divorce, custody or financial agreements and would just like to live my life without the stress of having to deal with my name being slandered and my ex-husband constantly feeling the need to get me to tell her to stop.
I am in an unfair position here that has nothing to do with me at all. I know that "Cybil and my husband" are having issues with things going on between them and I feel that she needs to discuss these things with him or talk to her attorney about her concerns. I have three children of my own I need to worry about and support and I share that responsibility with my ex-husband. Since she feels that I am a threat to her and "their daughter" I have chosen to keep myself out of their battle as it is no business of mine. I do feel that my family is under attack and that her anger should be redirected to the person that this involves. I need to protect myself and my children and if that means that I have to file charges just to get a sense of relief from all of this then I will do so but I do not want it to come to that.

I am not trying in any way to tell her who she can and cannot talk to but when someone is asking you to stop contacting them and then involving me in it because it is so out of hand I feel that such a request should be respected. I am just hoping you can help make her understand my position and ask herself how she would feel if someone she was dating had an ex that was contacting "my husband" and making him feel like "their daughter" is in danger. My ex-husband is starting to feel like "my husband" is a danger to our children because she has portrayed him as being reckless, irresponsible and selfish. "My husband" is going through a difficult time right now, as I am sure she is as well and none of this is making things better.

Once again, I am sorry to personally intrude on you but I can’t think of any other way to get through to her before this spirals out of control.


I found my letter to be nicely written and very respectful, though I had no idea what her response would be or what she would do. 

So, now I wait for either fireworks to start exploding or for "Cybil" to get a clue. I'm betting on a whole lot of nothing. People are a product of their environment and I'm assuming that either her parents enable her or they have her same crazy mentality.
Stay tuned for the drama.

Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife

Sunday, November 27, 2011

You Need Help???

So, over this fine holiday weekend of Thanksgiving leftovers and shopping galore, my husband and I got the unexpected and very much unwanted treat of having to deal with his ex-wife through numerous e-mails. Fun, right?

It all started off harmless...We woke up early Saturday morning to see that she had sent my husband photos. Perfectly harmless as we now live on the other side of the country and he enjoys seeing pictures of his daughter. The problem, is that along with pictures of his daughter, also come pictures of her, and sometimes they are just of HER. I find it to be inappropriate but it is not my battle so I stay out of it. My husband chose to e-mail her back and ask her to just stop sending photos entirely because he needed time and although he loved his daughter the photos were just too much. (He was transferred out of state for his job and I know he still has a hard time not being there physically in his daughter's life.) He went on to further address some issues that had previously come up about her contacting MY ex-husband in order to obtain information on him (you would have to read the previous posts to understand that craziness). I read the e-mail after he sent it and agreed that I felt that it was direct and to the point, but respectful.

She flew off the handle after that. It first began with child support payments (something she is already getting the maximum for and keeps trying to get the judge to increase). Complaining of how her and their daughter were in serious financial jeopardy and she couldn't even turn on cable. Woe is me. Who gives a rat's flying behind about you not having cable? We just moved to another state. We don't have cable either, we can't afford to live a luxury lifestyle. Her final blow in the first e-mail came with a comment about him being like his father; a man, whom my husband never got to know due to his own mother's bitterness towards his father. 

Being the little bulldog I am, I then stepped into the e-mail. Now, before you judge me...I know that this wasn't my place to get involved but I am the type of person who cannot stand to sit and let someone be bullied and manipulated. My husband is very non-confrontational and feels that arguing with this woman is pointless. He is right, it is, but still, I couldn't let her say such things and get away with it could I? Of course not!

So the battle began once again. She said she was only trying to protect herself. Not their daughter, but HERSELF. Protect herself from what, I asked? No one had done anything to her but continually give her everything she asked for in this circus of a divorce. And I do mean EVERYTHING. My husband, nor I, harassed her, bad-mouthed her, not a thing so what was she being protected from? Secondly, I asked how it was possible that she was in such financial jeopardy when she made more than my husband did per month, taught music lessons weekly for $60/hour, got $800 in child support and her rent was almost $500 less than ours. How was it possible? I could not believe she had the audacity to sit there and lie about being broke and putting a guilt trip on him just to get more money. She has flat out said before that all she intends to do is make him suffer. So if he ever even seems like he is remotely happy she is back again to try and kick him down or take more from him. 

The merry-go-round of emotions continued on as she criticized him for being a coward and abandoning his daughter. Going on and on about how pathetic he was and how he had never been a father or done anything for either of them. So the $10,000 from his military money that he put down on the house that he willingly gave you was doing nothing? Making sure you had a monthly spending allowance and that all your credit cards were zeroed out every month on top of what you made from your own job was nothing? Staying up every night with their daughter who had acid reflux and then going to work the next morning while you slept and stayed home all day was nothing? Catering to her every request because a dinner at a normal restaurant and flowers for Valentine's Day was nothing, she had to go to the most expensive restaurant in town and then when he made it up and took her she still complained it wasn't good enough. That must've been nothing as well. The stories he has told me about how hard he tried to make this woman love him and be happy just makes me angry and sad and I am so glad that we found each other and that I am able to show him that he is good enough and that much more. All this has ever said to me was that she was spoiled so much by her parents and then him that she thought she could kick him out of their house, file for a legal separation and still keep the same perks that she had while she was with him. Divorce doesn't often work that way for NORMAL people. 

The e-mailing ended when she accused "him", who was actually me, of being verbally abusive. I was on the verge of flipping out by this point. How can you sit there and call someone names, accuse them of being being pathetic and a horrible father, tell them that you will find a man who is better than he is and that he isn't shit to you and than say he is the one being abusive? When the whole conversation revolved around me asking questions about her accusations and calling her out on lies. But no, in her delusional world (I was the delusional one who needed help according to her), he was being emotionally abusive. I was done after that statement. If that is considered emotional abuse the world better look out because this nut job will be filing charges on you for looking at her funny!

Lord, help us!

Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Blues

So, it is Thanksgiving Day, or well, evening of 2011 and I am not only bored out of my mind but lonely. This year my children are with their Dad and I'm a thousand miles away from my family. Much like last year and once again feeling a little blue. I grew up in a normal sized family and holidays were always a HUGE deal but over the last year my family, including myself, have all moved to other states and those get together's are no more. My husband and I went out to dinner as we both found no point in cooking an extravagant meal for just us and preferred to get out of the house. So, TGIFriday's it was. Great food but still not the same. Now he's unfortunately passed out and I'm up with my laptop in our living room missing the rest of my family.

Of course, I have so much to be thankful for and I'm choosing to instead think of these things rather then wallowing in self pity. I have three healthy, beautiful and not to mention amazing children who are just as happy as can be. I have THE best husband who has been there through so much for me in the past year and yet we're still going strong. I have a wonderful support system that is built up of my Grammy and Mom and I am ever so grateful for their kindness and advice. And one of the best things is that I am healthy. I have had a few rocky moments in the past several years with my health and Diabetes but surprisingly I'm still doing really well and have no issues whatsoever. Thanks to a very caring God and a guardian angel who is always on point. :) 

We, as people, often can find so many things to sit and mope about and a list of reasons to be discouraged but I think it is vitally important to make sure you keep the positives in your life at the top of that list. Remember the things you have or the people you have around you and realize that the vast majority of us are all extremely lucky to even be living in this great country. There are so many unfortunate people in this world, who I am sure would gladly take all of our small problems with joy at the thought of just having a roof over their heads and one meal a day. One of my favorite sayings is, "If you don't like it, shut up or do something about it." Yes, it's a little blunt but maybe it is that swift kick in the butt we need sometimes. Don't sit around and feel sorry for yourself, get up and do something about it. Make something of yourself and make sure your problems know just how big and powerful your God is. 

Remember to always be grateful for all the great things in your life and give the rest to God. Happy Thanksgiving everyone...

Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife

Friday, November 18, 2011


So, it's been a little while since I have last written and as usual there is always a ton of "stuff" going on in my life (much like everyone else). So, lately my drama has been with the past and present. It's not news to anyone that I am a wife...Not only am I a wife, I am a second wife and also an ex-wife. Each of those statuses come with their own feelings of entitlement, insecurities, wrong doings, the list could go on and on. But it is what it is. 

I am married to a wonderful man, he could probably say the same thing about being a husband, second husband and ex-husband. We have our so-called "baggage", our hope for a better marriage the second time around and our feelings of doing things the right way this time. 

I'll start with the status of being a wife (or husband)...This isn't my first go-around but it might as well be. You see, even though I have been married before, I am now married to a completely different person. A man who has different pet peeves, different mannerisms, different qualities...He is DIFFERENT. So, it would seem like this is my first time all over again because it is my first time with him. My first wedding didn't technically happen, we just eloped in Vegas. This time around I still had an equally small wedding in Las Vegas but it was more formal and not in a wedding chapel but in an amazingly gorgeous almond orchard called The Grove. Definitely look that place up, I swear by it. You'd never know you were in Vegas. Along with a more formal wedding my now husband and I also moved to a completely different state so we also had the chance of really starting over somewhere new, and that we did. I think this time around we know what we're getting ourselves into, we know who we are as people and we definitely know what we want out of a life partner. We both married fairly young, being truly inexperienced in love and relationships and just dove into what we thought would last forever. And as we both found out, the people we married and the people we were didn't stay the same and we grew apart. 

Now, being an ex-wife is something new to me. I recently attended my oldest child's parent/teacher conference with my ex-husband. It was the first time we had been in the same room with each other besides being in a court room. We are now at a point where we act like civilized human beings instead of tearing at each other in front of a judge and other civilians but it is still quite odd. You sit there with a person you once shared so much with and you don't look at each other, don't talk to each other and sit as far apart as humanly possible without it being extremely uncomfortable for the teacher. There were some points where I almost felt sorry for our daughter's teacher as she seemed a little uncomfortable by our un-united front (something we're trying to work on). We have definitely come a long way from when we first began our divorce proceedings and I hope that one day we will be able to discuss our children by talking instead of just e-mails and text messages but one step at a time. The thing that I hate about being an ex-wife or an ex to someone you share a child or children with is the awkwardness if things didn't end nicely. Eventually, it gets to a point where you have to try to communicate in some form just for the sake of your child and you really have to be adult enough to put all of the hurt feelings and nasty allegations behind you. One day at a time. 

Now, as for being a SECOND wife...Or for some people a third or fourth. I am the stereotype of the second wife. I'm significantly younger than my husband's ex-wife, as she loves to point out (and by the way he's quite a few years younger than her as well so it's not as if he's married to someone ten years younger than himself). She hates me, and when I say hates me I mean if she could run me over with a car and get away with it SHE WOULD. The feeling is pretty much mutual, we were introduced to each other when my then boyfriend wanted to introduce me to their daughter. Being the man he is, he had the respect to have us meet each other so she would know who her daughter would be around. I just had no idea, being the naive person, that I am that she would turn into a fire breathing dragon soon after. I know, I'll probably get some backlash for this part of my blog but in reality if you knew this women and all that she has done you couldn't honestly blame me. She honestly acts as if I am the reason for their entire marriage falling apart although I hadn't even met him until long after they had called it quits and he was living out on his own. I did try to be friendly with her, even befriended her on facebook and we exchanged e-mails for a short time. Then she just became obsessive about everything I posted and would take it out on him (now husband) for anything enjoyable we did that I posted pictures about. So maybe the facebook friend thing wasn't the greatest idea...I just thought her getting to know me a bit better would make her feel more at ease with her daughter spending time with me. WRONG. 

It definitely didn't make it any easier when she decided that the in-laws she had once despised so much were going to be her new best friends and help her kick me out of the picture whether I wanted out of my relationship or not. All it has done is made my husband become an outsider to his family who now for whatever reason are not my biggest fans. I know the stuff she tells them, and when she involved their daughter and made it appear that I was of some harm to her it became an issue so big that they felt he should go running back to her and leave me immediately (even though she originally wanted the divorce). Was I hurt by these actions? YES. And I hurt even more for my husband who is the only one truly suffering from all of it. It's funny when someone shows interest in a person you didn't want how quickly you run back to try and claim ownership, almost like a small child with a toy. I know, bad comparison but it's true! I know how much my husband loves me and I wish his family could accept that and at least be civilized enough for us to all be a family but that appears to be too much to ask for. I only hope that in time they will come around. I have read the horror stories of the first wives causing a barrier between the new wife and her new in-laws and this just happens to be another one of those stories. I never felt they needed to disown her, she is the mother of their only grandchild...But whoever said they could only accept just one of us? As they say blood is thicker than water and apparently hers just jumped into their bloodline.

Being a second spouse has its battles...You have this horrible insecurity monster that often wonders if you are doing things better or worse than the previous spouse. That little monster can be the end of a really great relationship if you don't get over it quickly and move on. I had a bit of trouble with it in the start but read a book that gave me something to think about. If the person before you was so great they would still be with your significant other wouldn't they? The answer is yes. Obviously, they weren't that compatible or things would've worked out. Don't let it get you down and just keep on, keepin on! 

If you can't already tell you should probably know that this is something I'll probably revisit every now and then so stay tuned for the "stuff".

Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife

Sunday, November 13, 2011

He's MY Ex, Not Yours

It's a Sunday afternoon and my husband and I are hanging out in our room browsing online. I login to my facebook page and see that I have a new message. Opening my message tab, I notice that it is from my ex-husband and assume it is something about our children who are with him for the weekend. But as I begin to read the preview of the message I see that it starts off by saying that your husband's wife is contacting me...I blurt out are you f'ing kidding me right now? And open it up. My husband, alerted by my potty mouth asks what happened. I tell him that his stupid ass ex is now sending messages to my ex. I start reading and my blood pressure and anger immediately starts to rise. 

He tells me that she is asking where her husband is? Why he isn't calling her? And how she's going on and on about how horrible he and I both are and how we're crazy. WE are crazy? This is MY ex-husband that you have hunted down and began bothering about someone he has no relationship with at all, nor actually knows on a personal level, but WE are crazy. I apologize to him for her messaging and try to explain how crazy this woman is and how she knows how to contact MY husband and hasn't attempted to do so at all.

Next, I set out on e-mailing her. I have never confronted her before because I had promised my husband that I would stay out of their drama. My only condition was as long as she didn't bring me or anyone personal to me into it. This now gave me the opportunity to say something, he told me to go ahead and I, shaking with anger, began my e-mail. The e-mail below is what I sent. I have taken the names out for privacy and also so she has no reason to sue me for putting her name out there, we all know she would...

"Psycho from Hell",
My ex husband brought it to my attention that you are harassing him about "my husband's" whereabouts. First, I'd like to say that if you need to contact "my husband" about something you can e-mail him or contact someone he knows to get that information. Any important person in his life knows his phone number. You have no reason to snoop around and harass MY ex about things that have nothing to do with him. I find this whole thing to be incredibly childish and juvenile and would expect more from a woman then little games. You know that he has already stated that he just wanted a divorce and nothing to do with you, hence, the reason he no longer calls. Do not involve my ex husband and children in your chaotic mess of a life and please find something better to do then sit around wondering what we're doing and where we are at. Please, do yourself a favor and get over whatever it is you're so pissed about. You didn't want anything to do with him until someone stepped in and showed interest and now you want to sit on your ass and cry about how pathetic your life is. He doesn't want you or anything to do with you, I think he's made that extremely clear so why don't you keep searching for the man of your dreams and let him live his life. Your stalling and petty games aren't working. You just need to leave my ex and anyone that has to do with me out of your issues. A lot of people may sit and let you push them around and entertain your tantrums because you don't always get what you want but I'm not the one.

Yes, I was more than a little pissed off by this point if you couldn't tell and it opened up a whole can of worms with name calling and accusations. We then began exchanging words of her telling me she had a right to find out information about the father of her child and how she wanted nothing to do with either one of us and how I needed to get professional help. I fired back with what she was doing was stalking and she did not have the right to harass MY ex-husband about her own personal matters when for one she doesn't know him and two he doesn't know my husband on a personal basis. She continued with her whining about how horrible I was and that she was just trying to raise her daughter which I think is complete crap. If she was raising her daughter she would spend more time with her and less time snooping on my personal life and/or sleeping around with the 5th or 6th boyfriend she has had this year (something that people from her circle are relaying to my husband). 

The whole conversation was utterly exhausting mentally as I felt like I was arguing with a child. She ended it with smh (shaking my head) and lmfao (laughing my f'ing ass off) and I didn't feel the need to respond. Now, I'm sitting here shaking my own head and really praying she gets a life.

Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife

Saturday, November 5, 2011

And Here We GO!

Well, being that this is my very first post on this new blog of mine I wanted to write about something exciting and interesting...But after sitting and pondering all the topics I want to discuss in the upcoming future I just couldn't make up my mind. Being the random person I am, I decided to do what I always do and just choose at RANDOM. So, I've chosen to go with friendships and lessons learned as my first big topic. I know, not completely exciting and interesting, but I think it is something that everyone can relate to.

I'm definitely not, nor have I ever been the most popular girl in school or in life. I don't have a long list of meaningless friendships but I do have a good handful of friends who brought meaning into my life. Friends who I may not talk to anymore for whatever reason but people who were there for me as I was there for them through what we felt were the most dramatic moments of our lives. I sit and wonder about them from time to time, search for them on facebook to see what they look like now, how many kids they have, whether they are married and how they are doing. I reminisce about our crazy days of youth when we would sneak out of the house, hang out at Denny's and have sleepovers and talk about the hottest or the baddest boys in school. I can't believe how much time has actually passed, how far I have come.

Friends, just like boyfriends and/or girlfriends come into our lives to stay for a short time, a little while or for a lifetime but they all leave imprints on our hearts, they all have lessons to teach us. I remember the days when it seemed like that broken heart was going to be broken forever, that the world as I knew it surely was ending before my eyes and I would never be able to go on. Alright, so I could have probably gotten the lead in the school's play with my dramatic episodes but like any teenager my problems were worse than everyone's and no one could possibly know the pain I was going through. Right? Wrong.

Now, that I am older and a mother myself I sit and laugh with my own mother about how naive and stubborn I was and probably still am according to her. :) My mother always did know best but to me she was just trying to control me, to ruin my life. She had no idea what I was going through...She was just my mom! Now, I know better...Maybe she always did know, maybe because she had been young once too. I am still my momma's crazy daughter who gives her more "silver" hair then she'd ever care to admit, but at least I ponder her advice now. 

They say that hindsight is 20/20 and I couldn't agree more, I look back and laugh wondering what in the world I was thinking and why didn't anyone ever tell me how foolish and ridiculous I was? But that is what growing up is all about...Making those mistakes, getting your heartbroken, gaining best friends, losing those who were never your friend in the first place, making memories and bandaging skinned up knees. 

So here's my question, my thought for you to ponder...

Take a trip down memory lane...Look up an old lost friend. Chat with your mother about all the advice you wish you had listened to that she gave you. And for those of you with children of your own...If you're wondering why your child just can't seem to make the right decisions or bring home a decent boyfriend or girlfriend. Remember you too were once driving your own parents crazy. It has nothing to do with you being the world's most horrible or greatest parent. It is just LIFE.

Onward and upward and shining on!
<3 The Nice Wife